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Silindion Poem, Translation anyone?

From:Elliott Lash <erelion12@...>
Date:Tuesday, May 6, 2003, 0:50

Alárië Túrniril,

nolima o tesséphëavi isunta,

eldi silani nistárïe,

linti manto i osterya i némpenya,

ud malyanto, narinto yéndëa o i ssurnivi.

Mellë opho sarnilu-rondë nárneivi súldëa,

në orolë, rilitma,
vë imirna i nahwë neni sempitma i yamanna.
Vavi payanto i ssílmeinya núksëu ilparnë,

lëovissa dorín i yommë lëorni?

Nuskuna, në mirto i nossë.

Ëan noldi...i dorna.


Alarie Night Jewel
white-moon in the whispering of the silver gray,
bright shining queen,
to you the breezes bring our songs
moving there, flying joyfully in the night
you rise over the black blanketed flowing seas
and you gleam, jewel-like,
as the dark years fall silently to the ground
Where will our tear-full eyes keep vigil,
When the night of time ends?
We weep, and the snow falls
It is cold, the end.

loc: Loacative
<- : metathesis
conj: conjunctive
pr.p: present participle
acc: accusative
( ): indicates a sound lost by morphophonological
(pr): indicates that the verb forms the present tense
athematically, without a vowel.
instr: instrumental
p.p.: past participle
l/r: indicates a change from a base in -l- to a base
in -r- by morphophonological rules.
adv: adverbial
all: allative
gen: genitive
subj: subjunctive

Alárië Túrni-ril,
Alarie night-jewel

nol-ima    o tesséphë-avi i-sut<-Na,
white-moon in [1]-loc.    conj.-float-gerund

eldi   sil-ani    nistárïe,

bright shine-pr.p. queen

lit<-Ni ma(d)-nto       i   oster-ya   i
you-acc. bring-(pr)-3pl. the breeze-pl. the



ud    malya-nto,     nari-nto     yén-(n)dëa     o i

there move-(pr)-3p.   fly-(pr)-3pl. rejoice-pr.p. in


me(n)-lë      opho sarnil-u     ron-dë
rise-(pr)-2sg over black-instr. dress-p.p.

nárn-ei-vi      súl-(n)dëa,

sea-pl.-loc  flow-pr.p.

në  ol/r-o-lë,    rili-tma,
and [2]gleam-pr.-2sg jewel-adv.

vë i-mir-na       i    nahw-ë neni sempi-tma
as conj.-fall-ger. the year-pl. dark silent-adv.

i   yama-nna.
the ground-all.

Vavi pay-a-nto         i ssílm-ei-nya  núksë-u

where keep:vigil-pr.-3pl. the eye-pl.-our


lëovi-ssa dor-í-n       i yommë    lëor-ni?

when-that end-subj.-3sg the night   time-gen.

Nusk-u-na,    në mir-(n)to        i   nossë.

weep-pr.-1pl. and fall-(pr.)-3rp. the [4]snow

Ë-a-n       noldi i   dorna.
be-pr.-3sg. cold  the end.

[1] tessephë- "gray-whispering" or, more poetically
"whispering of the silver-gray". A poetic epithetical
compound describing the night.

[2] orolë "you rise", the stem of this verb is

                 _ol_. The stem consonant changes to
_r_ before the _l_ of the ending.

[3] núksë "tear" or "tears". This is an -ay- stem,
which is invariable in the singular and plural in High
Silindion, the language of this poem. In Low
Silindion, the plural would be _nuksi_, like an -e-

[4] nossë "snows". This is translated by the singular
in the English version. This is because it is a
collective plural, referring to the whole snow-storm.


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Amanda Babcock <langs@...>