En réponse à Isidora Zamora :
>I'll add that Eudora's Mood Watcher doesn't even work particularly
>well. Padraic can include the word "bastards" in a post (and I can post a
>reply quoting that text), and Mood Watcher doesn't even catch it, while
>there has been at least one post just today that I can't figure out for the
>life of me why it got flagged as having nasty content.
LOL. Personally, I just turned it off (just like this stupid "Content
Concentrator" which just did nothing right)
>I just tried to send this message and got a popup telling me that the
>content of my message was likely to offend the average reader and that I
>might consider toning it down; did I want to send anyway? I dunno,
>guys...anyone out there offended by this post? (Other than the fact that
>it is typically off-topic.)
Sometimes I wonder if Qualcomm is not owned by the Vatican. Could explain a
few things ;)))) .
Christophe Grandsire.
You need a straight mind to invent a twisted conlang.