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Re: CHAT: Finally! My conlang is now up on the Web...

From:Barry Garcia <barry_garcia@...>
Date:Monday, October 9, 2000, 1:47
>Personally, I love background images as long as they aren't bright colors >or >too close to the color of the text. I think of them exactly the same way >I >think of stationary with ghosted images -- an expression of the writers >personality. I usually glean as much information for the background image >(or glaring lack thereof) as I do from the text itself. > >Long live background images!
I agree here. Glaringly bright back ground images are bad . Subdued ones give visual interest, yet, they fade into the background when you are really reading something. My background images do reflect my aesthetic tastes at least.
> > >>Isn't the content of the page interesting enough? Why do you need >>more visual interest? I usually turn backgrounds off when I want to >>seriously read something, because any background picture, even a >>simple geometric design, distracts from the actual text. >>
Of course it is. It's not that I need the back ground image, it's that i *want* the image, to add a little flourish to my pages. I dont demand back ground images. I just feel that for my pages, it's not enough *for me* to just have a solid background color. I like expressing my artistic side through the background images I choose. I dont demand others use background images, but for me, i *want* them there. Also, i try to make the design as faint as I can yet keep it visible enough to be seen. For me, i dont notice very faint back ground images when I really get into something. AFAIC, you could have a white background, and black text, and if I'm interested, i dont care if there's no images at all.
> >>It's probably my age or my personality: I don't like background music >>when I'm working either, because it draws attention to itself. I can >>shut my ears quite effectively because I'm using different senses to >>work, but when there are two visual things (text and background) >>vying for attention it's harder to concentrate without getting a >>headache.
I cant stand to have complete silence when i'm writing or reading. It's impossible for me to just focus every single bit of my attention on something. Which is probably why when I write, if I get to a part where I cant think of what to write, i stop, do something else, while I think of a solution. As with music, a background image, if subdued enough wont interfere with my reading of a page. I try to make my background images faint enough that the text stands out and the background image doesnt interfere.