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Re: CHAT: Finally! My conlang is now up on the Web...

From:Barry Garcia <barry_garcia@...>
Date:Monday, October 9, 2000, 1:38
>Well yes, but I prefer to say "stylized." The image I downloaded for >my desktop background is extremely haunting: dark hills surrounding >an ocean lit up by a great orange sun, a shipwreck full of shadows, >the silhouettes of wheeling birds. It is not photographic; it looks >like a painting. I didn't do it; somebody else did and let me download >it.
You didnt say that :) <---big smile. Yes, if youre going for that, bryce is good. If I ever included an image of what the Saalangal home island should look like, i'd go for Terragen (and pretend it's a distant view of it).
> >I believe Bryce allows you to do cities as well.
Hmm, i've not seen actual "cities" done , but as I said, I dont have it, so I cant speak on that.