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Re: CHAT: Finally! My conlang is now up on the Web...

From:Barry Garcia <barry_garcia@...>
Date:Sunday, October 8, 2000, 0:17
>> It's the same to me, regarding both points. I also do all HTML coding >> by hand > >I'm a mixture. I usually do the web page with Composer, but then I >touch it up with notepad. It's simply a lot easier to input the text, >IMO.
I do it all in composer. I can do simple pages by hand, but for what I want to do, it's simply MUCH easier to work with Composer because I can see how the layout looks (and i've seen my pages both on my school's computers (PCs and Macs), and here at home, so i know it all still looks good). I'm a visual person, and find it hard to visualise something just by inputting code. It's also a hassle to keep saving, uploading, and viewing the page just to see if everything is in the right place. I also do tables in Word, because I can create tables for pages like:, which are practically impossible to do in Composer. (Easily at least. The page that that URL links to took me two days to accomplish, using Paint for the simple image, My graphics editing program for the 3D effect, Composer to add the images, and Word to do the table for the image).
> > >> and I am also one of "those stubborn, die-hard people" who >> still place content over flashy look. > >Ditto. I have a simple background, a single color for text, a single >color for links, and only use bold, italic, underline, and different >sizes. Only a single font, too.
I go for aesthetically pleasing pages (In my mind at least). Plain white pages that arent formatted in tables are boring (personally) to me (not to mention tiring to read because you have to scan the entire width of the screen). So, i use tables for layout, and add in a simple background, andcolor scheme. I believe that you can have aesthetics and still keep content as the main focus of the site. Flashy isnt always good (actually, too flashy can be a big drawback). I like simplicity, combined with good content.
> > >I do it on computer, too. But, I have the basic grammar and lexicon >printed out, and when working on something, I'll often note it on the >print out, and then later put it into the computer. It's easier to have >a lexicon printed out then to have to go over to the computer to look up >a word, in many cases.
I have everything on Saalangal in my computer and in my web pages. I've pretty much settled on the main grammar, so I might print it out as a reference. The dictionary won't be printed because i'm always adding to it. I dont have the money to keep buying note books and paper to write everything down . However, if I get an idea for something i'll often write it down on paper, and then transfer it to my computer.