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Re: Age of Conlangers (was Re: Introduction; need advice)

From:Joe <joe@...>
Date:Friday, December 20, 2002, 15:59
On Friday 20 December 2002 12:37 pm, taliesin the storyteller wrote:
> * Joe said on 2002-12-20 12:54:48 +0100 > > > Well, I started in Year 9 > > School year 9? > > > Muëuä is my aesthetic dream, and it has an interesting grammar as well... > > > > Acuädiëmuë, laniöniäm aniëlälï muälä. Täuëräl, laniöniäm guäniëlö > > aniä, däuïniïm täuä amuälö. Däniëniïm niümuä niäuä tiä lä niäuä > > /snip/ > > What are the umlauts for? Guess: when umlauted vowel next to other > vowel, shows hiatus. If that's the case I find it pretty too. > > > t., who started sometime during the first four years at school
The umlauts, well, it changes the quality of the vowel a bit...from /E/ to /e:/, for instance. Basically, it marks length. Incidentally, I use |u| and |i| as semivowels, as well as vowels. All vowels next to a semivowel are long. So, phonetically, the snippet of text you have is /akwa:dje:mwe:, lanjO:njA:m nje:lA:li: mwA:lA: tA:we:rA:l, lanjO:njA:m gwA:nje:lO: anjA: dA:wi:nji:m tA:wA: amwA:lO: dA:nje:nji:m nju:mwA: njA:wA: tjA: lA: njA:wA: / The vowels are as follows: |a| - /a/ |ä| - /A:/ |e| - /E/ |ë| - /e/ |i| - /I/ |ï| - /i:/ |o| - /o/ |ö| - /O:/ |u| - /U/ |ü| - /u:/ |y| - /y/ |ÿ| - /y:/ That basically sums it up.


taliesin the storyteller <taliesin@...>