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Re: religious terms

From:Barry Garcia <barry_garcia@...>
Date:Tuesday, March 13, 2001, 2:20
>I had no idea that the Chinese ever migrated to >Spain to become fishermen, but then I don't know Monterey at all. :-) I >imagine in that case Cantonese would be a good bet - lots of speakers and >dictionaries, and definitely a lot of early emigration.
Well, by the time the Chinese arrived in Monterey in the 1800's Monterey had already come under American control. I can see why they'd come to Monterey, there's still abundant fish in the seas here (until the 1940's Sardines were the main canning industry, but they suddenly dissappeared). Squid fishing is still practiced here. Modern boats can be seen out on the bay with their bright white and green lights at night. So, the economic benfits are good for the Chinese, and Montreianos as i have them designed are very welcoming of Immigrants.