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Re: ng vs w

From:Peter Clark <peter-clark@...>
Date:Sunday, March 30, 2003, 5:19
On Saturday 29 March 2003 11:13 pm, Garth Wallace wrote:
> alexandre lang wrote: > > Ah, then could your exceeding brilliancy tell me why the /w/ in the IPA > > chart isn't with the consonants? > > AIUI, it doesn't fit into the main pulmonic consonants chart because > it's a coarticulation--both bilabial and velar--so it would have to be > in two columns at once. It's still a pulmonic consonant though.
Beat me to it. I was just starting to write pretty much the same thing. If Alexandre would care to look at the "Other Symbols" chart at, you will see several other sounds which are all pulmonic in their own right, but don't fit neatly onto the main chart. I must confess that I am puzzled as to why the epiglottal series isn't on the main chart, however. After all, the glottal series has only three sounds in its column, so rightly the epiglottal series should go between the pharyngeal and glottal columns. The only reason off-hand that I can think of for why it isn't there is because the sounds are rarer. But that's only a guess. :Peter -- Oh what a tangled web they weave who try a new word to conceive!