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Re: ng vs w

From:Mau Rauszer <maurauser@...>
Date:Sunday, March 30, 2003, 6:34
Zesh (alexandre lang )| de, myálodaressedil <allexpro@...> réd
2003.03.29. yúwaud e-qi miyiud 19:04:21 -5h:

Well Hungarian [and Long Wer] don't have either
phonemically. I think H. even don't have [w] in
any positions and [N] appears only in the cluster [Ng] and [Nk].

I'd vote for [N] but only in clusters of prenasalized velars, if you
want it to be easily pronouncable.
[w] is counfusable with [u] and [v] for a speaker whose natlang
doesn't have a [w].
Ábrahám Zsófia alias Mau Rauszer
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