>You forgot dancing. Real men don't take dance
>classes. Or art classes. Or care if their socks
>match. All that's sissy stuff. At least that's what
>my dad told me.
Your father let you wear colored socks?
>I could whup my old man if I had reason to or cared.
As I'm 210 and squat 500# and bench 200#, I guess I could too.
>So if that's the measure of a "real man" I guess I'm a
>realer man than him inspite of it all. Every time I
>hear "be a real man" or "act like a lady" for that
>matter, I just wanna hurl.
Whereas I want to unzip and drop my pants so they can see that I'm a "real"
man (not talking size here, just general equipment).
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