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Re: Shadow and Dawn

From:Jake X <starvingpoet@...>
Date:Monday, May 26, 2003, 15:49
INTERLINEAR, by request

G'dol poddson ciysticec acg nud acuestos,
[gdVl 'pVrs@N ji'stikek ax nud a'wEst@s]
which-the.inverse think-ing takeplace TIME* times GEN-darkness

dol letdec moad umasc badodd ci os?
[d@l 'lETEk m9d u'mask ba'dor jI Vs]
the.inverse ran sad(ly) ELL-mind above the green

Acg cgoto enel ddemam ba ci sany
[ax xVt@ 'ENEl 'remam ba jI 'saNi]
TIME women (people) get-lost LOC the night

dol bent cemcgol esanse gea adany.
[dVl bEnt kem'kVl e'saNsE gV a'daNi]
the complete (makes) itself DAT-night.adj but GEN-invisible

Tenm unetdboco-ga ci mini-cy.
[tEm unETbOk@ga jI mINIki]
nevertheless ELL-death-twin**-past the.general light-present

Col, a cil cgotddac todd.  Et moad's acuy
[kVl a jIl 'xVTrak tVT Et m9ds a'wi]
They, GEN the humanity/masses/crowds afraid/cold.  Their sadness

acg cy sanat ebast ebast oc omn
[ax ki sa'Nat E'bast E'bast @k Vm]
TIME now walks DAT-out DAT-out below sun

Ci sany-nme, cui acgy ci sodom.
[jI 'saNimE wI 'axi jI s@'dVm]
the.general night-nullar, INCEPTIVE now the.general dawn.

*TIME - acg, the temporal marker, is used for temporal clauses
*death twin- a person's shadow according to Mocteno myth
the.general - used often as cupola
ELL - ellative
LOC - ba, makes locative clause

> Could you give an interlinear? And how's it pronounced? I like the look
> it very much, and I'd say you should be proud of yourself if you could
> my convoluted English verse into something workable in another language.
Thank you. I write poetry in English, though, so it helps that the instincts are the same even if the language is different. Don't put yourself down by calling it convoluted. You wrote it when you were 13. If I had written that verse at thirteen, I'd be proud of myself. Jake