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Re: Shadow and Dawn

From:Jake X <starvingpoet@...>
Date:Monday, May 26, 2003, 0:51
> Shadow and Dawn > > What thoughts have all the darkest hours seen > that strode across the mind upon the green? > When those that lay awake are lost at night, > the world goes to gloom removed from sight. > Yet from the shadows comes a gloried light, > the shadows cast on masses held in fright. > Their sorrows soon disperse in morning sun. > The siege hath gone, the dawn hath now begun.
G'dol poddson ciysticec acg nud acuestos, dol letdec moad umasc badodd ci os? Acg cgoto enel ddemam ba ci sany cgol bent cemcgol esanse gea adany. Tenm unetdboco-ga ci mini-cy. Col, a cil cgotddac todd. Et moad's acuy acg cy sanat ebast ebast oc omn Ci sany-nme, cui acgy ci sodom. I managed to keep the rhyme and meter. I am so proud of myself! (although it helps when you can coin words to rhyme, though I only pulled that twice...) Jake


Joseph Fatula <fatula3@...>