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Re: Santa Claus WAS: meanings not in english

From:Wesley Parish <wes.parish@...>
Date:Monday, May 12, 2003, 9:17
You can still get humour out of it.  Way back in the '90s - how my bones creak
- I was boarding with a solo mum, a long-standing friend of mine.

And I started a tale about Santa Fangs, Santa Claws' evil cousin.  He was the
"wolf" in Little Red Riding Hood, and Little Red Riding Hood married the guy
with the axe - Santa Claws - and went off with him to the North Pole.  Their
kids are the elves, who have been kept in the childhood stage for well over a
thousand years, and boy are they pissed off!!!  A strike is planned, but
don't tell anybody.

Santa Fangs got hungry one day, but Rudolf was too fast - but Rudolf still got
bitten, which is why his nose is red - Santa Fangs chased him through
Chernobyl and Seven Mile Island, and consequently got a little radioactive.

Santa Claws clambers down chimneys, alright - his surname is Claws for a
reason, after all - while Santa Fangs creeps up through the plug holes in
bath tubs.  Santa Claws gives presents, and Santa Fangs takes them away - he
also beats up little kids who watch him arrive.

Santa Claws is towed by a team of reindeer, while Santa Fangs' sleigh is
pulled by huge Arctic wolves.

This improvement on the story got retailed to the solo mum's sister's
daughter, by the solo mum's own daughter, over the festive season when she
was at her parents' home in Wellington, and I was highly gratified to hear
that said niece had been terrified, until her mother put her foot down and
forbade the telling of Santa Fangs stories in her hearing.

A little bit of improvisation can do wonders!

Wesley Parish

On Monday 12 May 2003 09:13 pm, you wrote:
> From: "Steg Belsky" <draqonfayir@...> > Subject: Re: Re: meanings not in english > > > Maybe it's just because i'm not part of the Santa Claus culture, but i've > > never understood how telling a kid that an imaginary person gives them > > presents (when it's really their friends and family), having them believe > > that for a while and then telling them that you've been lying all along > > is supposed to be beneficial. > > I wonder how many people participate in (what is to me the quite > ridiculous) Santa Claus thing, and to what degree. I know that at least my > family thinks it's stupid.
-- Mau e ki, "He aha te mea nui?" You ask, "What is the most important thing?" Maku e ki, "He tangata, he tangata, he tangata." I reply, "It is people, it is people, it is people."