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Re: SV: Re: Enterprise

From:Tristan <kesuari@...>
Date:Monday, January 20, 2003, 21:36
Michael Fors wrote:

>I agree. I beleive that ST should work a little more on the languages. >Otherwise, all aliens could speak English and be done with it. They already >are, like English would be the Lingua Franca of the universe. I have a hard >time believing that any Klingon would happily learn and talk English. =) > >
In some episodes when they go back in time to our time, when we do speak English, they can understand what we say. In others, they can't. They could at least opt for some form of consistency. Tristan (hasn't watched ST in aaages) - Yahoo! Movies - What's on at your local cinema?


Sarah Marie Parker-Allen <lloannna@...>