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Re: Gulliver

From:The Gray Wizard <dbell@...>
Date:Monday, January 14, 2002, 10:09
> From: Samuel Rivier > > Once again, there is a miscommunication. > > Complexion of a people can give CLUES as to their > language family. It doesn't point the way with neon > signs (sorry, I like the dumb metaphors).
Poppycock! A man or woman with a dark complexion might speak Hindi, Kikuyu, Dyirbal or any number of other unrelated languages. Complexion would give me no clue as which he or she might speak.
> And yes, I know Japanese is a separate language > family. But if the people of Balnibarbi appear > Oriental in complexion, then that gives immediate > clues toward linguistic descendence in Sino-Tibetan, > Japanese, Korean, etc, but by no means proof. But when > we have to recreate a conlang from relatively little > to work from, there is every reason to explore race as > a connection.
I'm not sure what "Oriental in complexion" even means. What clues would knowing a man is Caucasian give me that would allow me to determine whether he spoke a Germanic, Romance or Slavonic language? Race is far too broad a category to have any relevance in this matter. Stay curious, David David E. Bell The Gray Wizard AIM: GraWzrd Wisdom begins in wonder.


John Cowan <cowan@...>
Dan Jones <dan@...>