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trans: ugliness and sobriety

From:Dan Jones <feuchard@...>
Date:Monday, April 2, 2001, 15:14
We haven't had a translation exercise for a while (not since we have all of
your bases), so what about going back to the "let's translate a
bumper-sticker phrase!". Actually, an Italian friend bought me a lighter
with this on it, so I thought I'd have a go:

"I may be drunk, but tomorrow I shall be sober, and you will still be ugly.

French: "Je suis peut-être saoul, mais demain je serai décuité, et tu seras
toujours aussi hideux."
Cuolen: "Ni toe shoulhonen, co shezéno ni toyor hírase, cue eye toyor
darasse zalueo."
Aredos: "mezios siém, sed endio ammezios erim ca tu hallua uitam tuam eris."
Jelbäzech: "Je so forzas satzol, proch däman je sere saur, e zu seras
schemper leipf"

If there are enough responses it´ll go on a web-page.

Ka yokonáu iti báyan: "cas'alyá abhiyo".

Ka tso iti mantabayan: "yama zaláyá
alánekayam la s'alika, cas'alika; ka yama
yavarryekayan arannáam la vácika, labekayam
vácika, ka ali cas'alyeko vanotira."
Dan Jones


Scott W. Hlad <scott@...>
Frank George Valoczy <valoczy@...>
daniel andreasson <daniel.andreasson@...>
andrew <hobbit@...>