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Re: TECH (aargh) More new computer woes

From:Sarah Marie Parker-Allen <lloannna@...>
Date:Tuesday, May 6, 2003, 3:40
Yes, but it is gibberish to those of us who aren't working in the industry
(or haven't had to fix all of our friends' computers) and it's extremely
frustrating to navigate helpsites (read: the awful nightmare that IS when you can't understand three-fourths of the
keywords or how they relate to one another.  It's days when I get a dozen or
more errors that consist entirely of numbers and random words that mean
something to someone (whom I've never met) that I start envisioning a
society where no one knows how to work anything and lives entirely on faith
that it'll all continue to function until they're no longer around to worry
about it.  Then I call my dad or my stepfather and make them explain things
to me.

And I've had more computer training than probably 80% of the people I know.
I just never got to actual computers that you use today, as I left the CSE
program at Ohio State while we were still working with Pascal and basic

(to the wise person who put those linguistic terms up as a counterpoint to
the "gibberish" comment, let me add -- a concise dictionary of all those
terms that doesn't require me to link to fifteen OTHER terms in order to
understand that first definition would be reeeeeallly helpful)

Sarah Marie Parker-Allen

Waiting for the day when lawyers will stop ruining all our fun, since 1980.

> -----Original Message----- > Behalf Of David Starner
> You do realize, this is one of the pet peeves of computer people? It's > not gibberish to us, it's essential information, and we generally can't > do much without it. >
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