Christophe Grandsire wrote:
> En réponse à Elliott Lash <AL260@...>:
> >
> > "gelezen heeft Anna het boek niet"
> > <SNIP>
> Well, putting the past participle in front of the sentence is not Dutch
in my
> opinion (maybe in poetry, but not in ordinary life). The correct order
> be: "Anna heeft het boek niet gelezen".
> An example of the V2 requirement would be to make the sentence into:
> "Het boek heeft Anna niet gelezen".
This is waaaaaaaaaay awkward in Dutch. It's confusing, especially in written
language. If pronounced with enough stress on "het boek" people might
understand it correctly. If written, you'll have to read it a few times and
logicaly deduce the proper meaning.
Maarten van Beek