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Re: Another weird idea!

From:R A Brown <ray@...>
Date:Sunday, September 11, 2005, 6:53
Tim May wrote:

>R A Brown wrote at 2005-09-10 14:38:25 (+0100) > >
> > > I am not sure why it is referred to as 'Plan B' on the > > site. > >"planb" is the name of the parser program included in the article. >Apparently it stands for "Public domain LANguage Basher". > >
Ah, that's why I couldn't find 'Plan A' :-) But what occurred to me reading the article again is why if Jeff is using an alphabet of just sixteen letters, and each letter can be encoded uniquely as four bits, why he did not simply use hex digits. While it is, for example, no surprise to find |b| pronounced as /b/, it is kind of odd to find it has an allophone /E/. One might find using what are clearly not alphabetic symbols, i.e. hex digits, more acceptable for their dual vowel/ consonant function. I recall that Srikanth used numeric digits with dual pronunciations in his Lin; but while, if they occurred between consonants they were all pure vowels (no diphthongs as there are apparently with Plan B), when they occur next to a vowel they are not consonants - as in Plan B & Max's 'weird idea') - but determine both the length and the tone of the adjacent vowel. Weird :) -- Ray ================================== ================================== MAKE POVERTY HISTORY


Jörg Rhiemeier <joerg_rhiemeier@...>Plan B phonology (was Re: Another weird idea!)