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Yet another text for translation

From:John Cowan <cowan@...>
Date:Monday, July 31, 2000, 7:53
This one was submitted to the now-sadly-defunct Dysfunctional
Family Circus:

The sheep bleats,
   hungry for food,
   hungry for warmth.
The sturdy mangrove,
   roots deep in the water,
   sways in the breeze.
And the sloth just watches.

Great comforting leaves.
Warm distressed wool.
And the sloth just watches.

John Cowan                         
C'est la` pourtant que se livre le sens du dire, de ce que, s'y conjuguant
le nyania qui bruit des sexes en compagnie, il supplee a ce qu'entre eux,
de rapport nyait pas.               -- Jacques Lacan, "L'Etourdit"