Re: Yet another text for translation
From: | The Gray Wizard <dbell@...> |
Date: | Monday, July 31, 2000, 13:55 |
> From: John Cowan
> This one was submitted to the now-sadly-defunct Dysfunctional
> Family Circus:
> The sheep bleats,
> hungry for food,
> hungry for warmth.
> The sturdy mangrove,
> roots deep in the water,
> sways in the breeze.
> And the sloth just watches.
> Great comforting leaves.
> Warm distressed wool.
> And the sloth just watches.
Interlinears used to be such a chore. With Shoebox it's a snap. Good thing
Shoebox is freeware or someone might accuse me of spamming with all the
advertising I've been doing for it here.
Had to coin two words, mangaldar=mangrove, a borrowing (lit mang-tree) and
astraslavan=sloth (lit lazy animal ala Ger. Faultier).
Anyway, John's translation exercise in amman iar
i daulavan erdauorner elivas,
in masadhon mathloimarth,
in arunison arunloimarth.
i mangaldar vetanig,
tercai nennar vetumna
erpisel astanigme i fadhisar
na ir astraslavan erhenel damme elivas.
les vebeleg na vetemmir.
tau varunis na vegareldul
na ir astraslavan erhenel damme elivas.
And the interlinears:
\f The sheep bleats,
\t i daulavan
\m ir tau lavan -0
\g the wool animal -[S]
\p det n n -abs
the sheep
\t ertauorner
\m er- tauorno -e -r
\g do- bleat -agt -proc
\p agt- v -val -vc
\t elivas,
\m el- -iv -as
\g assertive- -hab -pres
\p mood- -asp -tense
\f hungry for food
\t (alan elivas)
\m al =an -0 el- -iv -as
\g it =masc -[S] assertive- -hab -pres
\p 3per =gnd -abs mood- -asp -tense
he is
\t in masadhon
\m in masad -on
\g food -[Obl]
\p ptp n -dat
for food
\t mathloimarth
\m matho - loimo -a -rth
\g eat - want -pat -state
\p v - v -val -vc
\f hungry for warmth.
\t (alan elivas)
\m al =an -0 el- -iv -as
\g it =masc -[S] assertive- -hab -pres
\p 3per =gnd -abs mood- -asp -tense
he is
\t in arunison
\m in arun =is -on
\g heat =small -[Obl]
\p ptp n =dim -dat
for warmth
\t arunloimarth
\m arun - loimo -a -rth
\g heat - want -pat -state
\p n - v -val -vc
\f The sturdy mangrove,
\t i mangaldar vetanig,
\m ir mang aldar -0 ve- tanig
\g the mang tree -[S] descr- firm
\p det borrowed n -abs adj- n
the mangrove sturdy
\f roots deep in the water,
\t tercai nennar vetumna
\m tarca -i -0 nenna -ar ve- tumna
\g root -plu -[S] water -in descr- depth
\p n -num -abs n -iness adj- n
roots in water deep
\f sways in the breeze.
\t erpisel astanigme
\m er- piso -e -l as= tanig -me
\g do- hang -agt -actn compl= firm -manner
\p agt- v -val -vc pfx= n -adv
\t i fadhisar
\m ir fadh =is -ar
\g the wind =small -in
\p det n =dim -iness
the in breeze
\t (elivas)
\m el- -iv -as
\g assertive- -hab -pres
\p mood- -asp -tense
\f And the sloth just watches.
\t na ir astraslavan
\m na ir as= ras - lavan -0
\g and the compl= work - animal -[S]
\p conj det pfx= n - n -abs
and the sloth
\t erhenel damme
\m er- heno -e -l dan -me
\g do- see -agt -actn near -manner
\p agt- v -val -vc n -adv
watch just
\t elivas.
\m el- -iv -as
\g assertive- -hab -pres
\p mood- -asp -tense
\f Great comforting leaves.
\t les vebeleg na
\m las -i -0 ve- beleg na
\g leaf -plu -[S] descr- large and
\p n -num -abs adj- n conj
leaves great and
\t vetemmir
\m ve- ten =mir
\g descr- sense =special
\p adj- n =sfx
\f Warm distressed wool.
\t tau varunis na
\m tau -0 ve- arun =is na
\g wool -[S] descr- heat =small and
\p n -abs adj- n =dim conj
wool warm and
\t vegareldul
\m ve- garel =dul
\g descr- mind =unfavorable
\p adj- n =sfx
\f And the sloth just watches.
\t na ir astraslavan
\m na ir as= ras - lavan -0
\g and the compl= work - animal -[S]
\p conj det pfx= n - n -abs
and the sloth
\t erhenel damme
\m er- heno -e -l dan -me
\g do- see -agt -actn near -manner
\p agt- v -val -vc n -adv
watch just
\t elivas.
\m el- -iv -as
\g assertive- -hab -pres
\p mood- -asp -tense