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Re: Whatever happened to Cosseran?

From:Barry Garcia <barry_garcia@...>
Date:Saturday, November 11, 2000, 9:40
>Looks cool :) (And you came up with other m'n words I couldn't think of!) >It's thought that <gn> in Latin was actually /Nn/, and that later became >/JJ/. /nn/ > /Nn/ seems a bit odd to me, but it's just dissimilation, not >too strange in the grand scheme of things.
Yes, my reason was dissimilation. Also, it's a way to distinguish the language from the other Romance langs. Interesting that <gn> was /Nn/, would never have guessed from the orthography.
> FWIW, I've thought about using >/mn/ > /nn/ and then maybe > /JJ/, but I'm really not sure what to do. >Maybe >different dialects can have different ways of dealing with /mn/. I just >know >that I dislike the /mbr/ approach of Spanish :)
I never really liked the /mbr/ approach of Spanish either, which is why I wanted a different way to do it. I like my system, i think it's original. Plus, it keeps my friends who speak Spanish guessing :). __________________________________ L E A Ñ I O N Ò U O, U N A E Á N Ò U A