En réponse à Mark J. Reed :
>Ha! You're welcome. But how *does* one say "welcome back" in French?
We don't. "Bienvenu" is used alone in all cases.
>Wow. I'm used to some heat, living in Atlanta, and in Las Vegas last July
>it hit 40C every day, but I can't imagine temperatures as high as 50C.
>That's a temperature you shoot for when cooking meat, not a temperature
>for outside air. :)
When the warm wind showed up, we had to find refuge in the house we had
rented. We felt like we were indeed cooking! :)
>Wasn't part of the Tour going on during this heat wave??
No, they just missed it (luckily for them :) ).
Christophe Grandsire.
You need a straight mind to invent a twisted conlang.