Re: Periodic Table in conlang
From: | Philip Newton <philip.newton@...> |
Date: | Thursday, December 27, 2001, 20:25 |
On 27 Dec 01, at 20:21, Philip Newton wrote:
> When/if I have time, I'll draw up which elements were known, in order
> of atomic number. It won't be a complete atomic table, by any means.
OK, here goes. I'm including some literal meanings and derivations;
proto-forms in ALL CAPS are from Verdurian's ancestor Cadhinor; words
derived from other languages show that language (e.g. Barakhinei,
Cuêzi, Methaiun).
6 C (crifpër "write-stone" = "graphite";
mlakon "coal" < MELANKONDOS, augmentative of MLAKES "black";
tsísia "glittering" = "diamond")
7 N fäsula shalea "remaining air (after oxygen is removed)"
8 O zhivë shalea "lively air"
15 P gitesheli, from Tzhuro "gitlesheli"
16 S hasifa < KHAMSIFA, from Methaiun
26 Fe kol < KOL
27 Co gent meiladei "metal of cobaltite", from gent "metal" < GUENTOS
+ meilad "cobaltite, cobalt sulpharsenide, CoAsS" < Barakhinei
mêlilôd "fool's silver" < MUEL "blunt" + ILALDE "silver", from
28 Ni gent meuciborei "metal of niccolite", from gent + meucibor
"niccolite, copper-nickel, nickel sulpharsenide" < Barakhinei
mêlkibor "fool's copper" < MUEL "blunt" + KIBRU
29 Cu civru < KIBRU
30 Zn gent samplomei "metal of blende", from gent + samplom "zinc
sulphide, blende" < sam "without" (< BUSAN) + plom "lead"
31 Ga
32 Ge
33 As camsidole "orpiment crystal", from camsida "orpiment,
arsenic trisulphide" < ECAMMISIDAS, from Cuêzi +
ole "crystal", from Cuêzi
47 Ag arzhent < ARGENTOS
48 Cd
49 I
50 Sn stan < STANNOS
51 Sb gent yeshorei "metal of kohl", from gent + yeshore "kohl;
powdered, calcined antimony trisulphide" < HIESCORRES
78 Pt elnamë < ELEINAMIEIS, from Cuêzi
79 Au orh < OKH
80 Hg choshava < TUORESAMBAS, from Cuêzi
81 Tl
82 Pb plom < PLOMBOS
83 Bi brisgent "break(able)-metal"
Philip Newton <Philip.Newton@...>