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Periodic Table in conlang

From:Padraic Brown <agricola@...>
Date:Sunday, December 23, 2001, 22:50
A while back, discussion led to element names and the PT in our
conlangs. I said I'd work on an Ill Bethisad periodic table for
Kerno, and here it is (none of those nasty numbers, though, as I
do not have an advanced degree in transmogrificative numerarity).
Nothing extraordinary, but a couple surprises, maybe.

1  H    hydrogenes      50  Sn  ystannes
2  He   helium          51  Sb  ystyvea
3  Li   litea           52  Te  telourea
4  Be   berylea         53  I   iodinea
5  B    boro            54  Xe  xenon
6  C    carbo           55  Cs  cesea
7  A    azotes          56  Ba  barrea
8  O    oxygenes        57  La  lantanum
9  F    fluoer          58  Ce  cerea
10 Ne   neion           59  Pr  preseoudynea
11 Na   natrea          60  Nd  neiodynea
12 Mg   magnesea        61  Pm  promethea
13 Al   alumenea        62  Sm  semarea
14 Si   selecea         63  Eu  europea
15 P    phosphoer       64  Gd  gatholenea
16 S    soufoer         65  Tb  tervea
17 Cl   chloer          66  Dy  dysprosea
18 Ar   argon           67  Ho  holmea
19 K    potassea        68  Er  ervea
20 Ca   calcea          69  Tm  tullea
21 Sc   iscadnea        70  Yb  itervea
22 Ti   titanea         71  Cp  casseopea
23 V    vanathea        72  Hf  hofnea
24 Cr   chromea         73  Ta  tantalon
25 Mn   manganes        74  W   gwolfram
26 Fe   eiseorn         75  Re  rhenea
27 Co   covaltum        76  Os  osmea
28 Ni   niquel          77  Ir  irithea
29 Cu   coupoer         78  Pt  platin
30 Zn   sincum          79  Au  or
31 Ga   gallea          80  Hg  hydeordeour
32 Ge   germanea        81  Tl  thallea
33 As   arsenex         82  Pb  pluim
34 Se   selenea         83  Bi  gwismuth
35 Br   bromea          84  Po  polon
36 Kr   krypton         85  At  astatin
37 Rb   rouvithea       86  Rn  radon
38 Sr   istrontea       87  Fr  francea
39 Y    itrea           88  Ra  radium
40 Zr   zirconea        89  Ac  actinea
41 Nd   neovea          90  Th  thorea
42 Mo   molybdennes     91  Pa  protactinea
43 Tc   teknecea        92  U   ouranium
44 Ru   ruthenea        93  Np  neptunea
45 Rh   rhothea         94  Pu  plutonea
46 Pd   pallathea       95  Sx  saxonium
47 Ag   argeont         96  Cm  curium
48 Cd   cathmea         97  Cn  carolonium
49 In   indea           98  Bv  bafarium

99  Es  einstinium
100 Fm  fermium
101 Md  mendelevium
102 No  nobelium
103 Lr  lawrencium
104 Kt  kurchatovium
105     element 105
106     element 106

Bethes gwaz vaz ha leal.


laokou <laokou@...>
Philip Newton <philip.newton@...>
Philip Newton <philip.newton@...>