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Re: TRANS: Happiness

From:Padraic Brown <agricola@...>
Date:Saturday, October 20, 2001, 22:06
> "To find happiness, one should not seek it."
In Kerno, this one rhymes! Ar attroupar-al la felez; lo ne segas neyz. ar attroupar-al la felez on to-discover-it the happiness lo ne segas neyz it don't seek not Litterally, "To be on to finding the happiness; don't go sniffing for it." ne...neyz is one of many ways of saying "not". Neyz is borrowed from French nez, and is often used in sayings of this sort where it's wise not to stick your nose in some business. The idea of sticking your nose into it was probably borrowed from English. The gender switch (lo "it" in stead of la) is emphatic. Padraic.