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Re: Diphthongs (was Re: 3 q's - X-Sampa)

From:Roger Mills <romilly@...>
Date:Thursday, February 12, 2004, 23:32
M. Astrand wrote:

B.P.Jonsson wrote:
> >I *think* the difference is that both halves of a > >Finnish diphthong are about equally long, whereas > >in Italian the unstressed part of the diphthong is > >much shorter. > > Do you think this has something to do with the unstressed part being in
> i or u, ie. something close to j and w, whereas in Finnish it doesn't need > to be a high vowel? I'm not sure what I'm getting at, but it seems like it > could mean something. > Or does Italian have diphthongs with unstressed non-high vowels?
No, but in addition to falling diphthongs (aj, aw) it has a few rising ones-- ja, je, jo, ju -- in words like chiaro, viene, piombo, chiuso. (Different historical origin, of course)
> > On second thought, perhaps the same does *not* apply to Mamqian. It seems > everything I considered to be a diphthong last time I looked into them,
> an /i/, /u/ or /y/ either at the beginning or at the end. I've simply
> that all diphthongs are stressed on the first part,......
Changing the stress to whichever part is not high
> would change the sound of the language, but not to worse... >
Some languages have falling (and I think rising)diphthongs with ï (barred-i [1]) and/or schwa-- Thai and Vietnamese spring to mind.


Dirk Elzinga <dirk_elzinga@...>