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Re: Latin vowel inventory

From:John Cowan <cowan@...>
Date:Wednesday, July 30, 2003, 11:47
Tristan McLeay scripsit:

> So in the English one, was long a pronounced as ay, long e as ee, long i > as igh? Was long o oo (boot) or oa (open)? And was long u ue (hue) or or > ow (how)?
Just so, with "open" and "hue" respectively. The Great Vowel Shift of the 14th-15th centuries affected not only English itself, but also the spoken Latin of the English monasteries before Henry VIII broke them up. Similarly, c and g before i or e are pronounced as s and English j, respectively. But there are limits: Latin final e is not silent. In Umberto Eco's _Name of the Rose_, Adso several times comments on the comparative unintelligibility of William of Baskerville's Latin.
> Double consonants were geminate, weren't they?
Sic (or "hoc ille", as they said in Gaul). -- With techies, I've generally found John Cowan If your arguments lose the first round Make it rhyme, make it scan Then you generally can Make the same stupid point seem profound! --Jonathan Robie