Donald Boozer <donaldboozer@...> writes:
> Note: Verse one in the previous post should read:
> Hwana! Votelor palir yeneva _fathyenet_ avute vesotham
> dofam sotherin thoshirin. The previous post had
> _fathyenen_ which would read "they spoke them."
> Fathyenet means "they spoke it."
> Verse 2. Maku hadarova avu witukyenet miyamem
> Shinaroth i panamyene i.
> Lit: Walking - into the east [list marker] - they
> found it - a plain - in Shinar conjunction - they
> made their home (there) conjunction.
> Gloss: hadaro = east; avu i = conjunction particles;
> +t = 3rd p. pl. accusative affix. +oth = locative
> marker (inessive) in, inside; panamu making ones
> home (somewhere); settling.
Do you have an overview of the grammar somewhere? The above is a bit
hard to read and it would be very nice to see some summarising tables
or the like before digging through that. :-)
> Verse 3. Vasyenet ti fana avu sathitudison muswarnoram
> i kathudison pivani i ti. Sathityene avu moswanorsa
> hau kivashersa le i ratemsa hau molesa le i.
Why is that 'muswarnoram'? Where's the first -r- from? You list the
basic form is 'muswano'. And is 'moswanorsa' related? I suppose so,
but how?