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Re: Vocab #8

From:Philip Newton <philip.newton@...>
Date:Saturday, May 18, 2002, 19:39
On 17 May 02, at 18:00, Aidan Grey wrote:

> brought to you by > B for bakery > and > number agreement (or not).
Verdurian numbers 1-3 agree with the noun; 4 and above are invariable. So I could only show this with the "three loaves over there".
> 1. bread
yon (this means both "bread" and "loaf")
> I would like 4 loaves of bread, please.
E dy vulu par yoni, urave. /e di "vulu par "yoni u"rave/ [E di "vulu par "yOni u"4avE] It-is that I-want four breads, please.
> 2. flour
> This bread is made with 7 cups of flour. > (obviously, convert this to your native measuring system.)
Ci-yon ilet fashshu ab hep leurulen brashei. /ki"jon "ilet "faSSu ab ep leu"rulen bra"Sei/ [ki"jOn "ilEt "faSSu ab Ep lEu"4ulEn b4a"SEi] This=bread it.ACC they-made with seven leurulas of-flour "Leurula" is translated as "sip, taste, saucerful, a bit" and appeared as the translation for "cup [a cupful of liquid]".
> 3. glaze (n or v)
sesüza (n), sesüzan (v)
> This delicious-looking loaf is glazed with honey/has a honey glaze.
Ci-yon dy shayne bogaty ilet sesüznu ab meloshán. /ki"jon di "Sajne bo"gati "ilet se"syznu ab melo"San/ [ki"jOn di "SajnE bO"gati "ilEt sE"syznu ab mElO"San] This=bread which it-looks delicious it.ACC they-glazed with honey.
> 4. muffin
culanul ("pastry, small cake, torte".)
> They have 42 kinds of sweet muffins.
Tenu chedecdhun kesti tsesseë culanulië. /"tenu tSe"dekDun "qesti tsesse"je kulanuli"je/ ["tEnu tSE"dEkDun "qEsti tsEssE"jE kulanuli"jE] They-have fortytwo kinds sweet.GEN culanuls.GEN
> 5. bakery
bulonnáe (bulondir "bake" + -náe "place")
> My favorite bakery is 4 streets over.
Ditavula bulonnáe esë e azh zdesy po par prosen. /dita"vula bulon"nae e"sje e aZ "zdesi po par "prosen/ [dita"vula bulOn"naE E"sjE E aZ "zdEsi pO pa4 "p4OsEn] Favourite bakery my is from here by four streeets.
> 6. oven
> The bakery is very busy - we have to use all 8 ovens constantly.
Soa bulonnáe e lyö fascotenë, faye dy bruham sanceloshece tësi zhoc pëchi. /soa bulon"nae e lj2 faskote"nje "faje di "bruam sankelo"Seke "tjesi Zok pjetSi/ [sO bulOn"naE E L2 faskOtE"JE "fajE di "bruam saNkElo"SEkE "tjEsi ZOk pjEtSi] The bakery is very busy, it-is-necessary that we-use constantly all eight ovens.
> 7. bake
> That bread is baked, but those 3 over there are fried.
Ci-yon e bulondul, ac ce-dhinî yonî cechel eu surogonulî. /ki"jon e bu"londul ak keDinI yonI ketSel "eu surogo"nulI/ [ki"jOn E bu"lOndul ak kEDinI yOnI kEtSEl "Eu su4ogo"nulI] This=bread is baked, but those=three breads there are fried. "Surogonul" (fried) is from sur "on" + ogón "flame, fire".
> 8. cost / price
sholiser (to cost), adezhel (the cost of something), leshel (price)
> How much do those 6 loaves cost?
Kedimo sholisü ce-sués yonî? /qe"dimo So"lisy kesu"es "jonI/ [qE"dimO SO"lisy kEsu"Es "jOnI] How-much they-cost those=six breads?
> 9. unusual
rhochilise (not-usual)
> This is an unusual recipe for bread - it has very little flour!
Eto e rhochilisë rälftena pro yonán, vule lyö pav brasham! /"eto e RotSili"sje "ra:lftena pro jo"nan "vule lj2 pav "braSam/ ["EtO E ROtSili"sjE "ra:lftEna p4o jO"nan "vulE L2 pav "braSam] This-one is unusual recipe for bread, it-wants very little flour! For "recipe", I invented *rälftena from rälir "to cook" and ftena "plan".
> 10. holiday
> I want to order 9 holiday loaves. What will the cost be?
Vulu desider nev yoni cäme. Kedimo sholisretü? /"vulu de"sider nev "joni "ka:me qe"dimo Soli"srety/ ["vulu dE"sidE4 nEv "jOni "ka:mE qE"dimO SOli"srEty] I-want order.INF nine breads holiday.GEN. How-much they-cost.FUT? Cheers, Philip -- Philip Newton <Philip.Newton@...>