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Re: Vocab #8

From:Roger Mills <romilly@...>
Date:Monday, May 20, 2002, 15:27
>brought to you by B for bakery and number agreement (or not).
One of the more repetitious areas of Kash vocabulary-- the words for "bake, bread, bakery, oven" are all derived from a single base...
> 1. bread-- andoço, though it can refer to any baked goods; there are
several types, this refers to the familiar type made into loaves. (< toço 'bake')
> I would like 4 loaves of bread, please.
(turole,) mameloto ha piku andoço. begging, I-will-want 4 loaf bread. (turole is unnecessary, since idiomatic meloto is already a polite form)
> > 2. flour-- yanjun (< cun 'grind') > This bread is made with 7 cups of flour.
andoço tayu imepu umit sor tangole yanjun. (An active sentence, object fronted) bread this they-make use 7 cup flour. _tangole_ standard measuring cup used in the kitchen, 200 pem, slightly less than 10 oz. (5 tangole = 1 cipem, = 1.394kg or just over 48 oz.)
> > 3. glaze (n or v)-- in this case, lipet 'to cover' > This delicious-looking loaf is glazed with honey/has a honey
glaze. piku tayu, re ciyoñi sambat uñat, yale lipetni sukekevu loaf this, REL its-seem/appear so delicious, there-is its-covering "honey" (lit. water plus kekevu 'a bee-like insect'-- bug juice if you will.)
> > 4. muffin -- use tocamici < tocami 'k.o. sweet bread' -ci diminutive > They have 42 kinds of sweet muffins.
isorom hapola ro naya tocamici they-sell 42 kind sweet-roll-dim. If OTOH you're just describing the spread at a party e.g., then _yale_ 'there is/are' instead of _isorom_
> > 5. bakery -- yundroço (yurun 'place' toço 'bake') > My favorite bakery is 4 streets over.
yundroço re malisa-lisam, ha ratu riyun navani bakery REL I-like-like, 4 street yonder its-distance
> > 6. oven -- also yundroço. Context clarifies?? > The bakery is very busy - we have to use all 8 ovens constantly.
yundroço tayu pando mepuni-- micayi umit fan yundroçoni yunoni yunda-yunda bakery this much its-work-- we-must use 8 its-oven all-of-them always-always
> 7. bake -- toço (Let's avoid the repetition.....) > That bread is baked, but those 3 over there are fried.
naya yu mitoço, mowa niç silani miciki (also possible: ..itoço.....iciki) kind that we-bake, but those three-of-them we-fry (they-bake, they-fry)
> > 8. cost / price -- rimevi, colloq. miveni > How much do those 6 loaves cost?
fiyan miveni keli piku yu? how-much its/their-price 6 loaf that?
> 9. unusual -- ehas; recipe-- akaram 'preparation' < haram 'prepare' > This is an unusual recipe for bread - it has very little flour!
yale akaram andoço re ehas-- yawuron yanjun picik niya it-is recipe bread REL strange-- it-contains flour little-bit very
> > 10. holiday-- lerowaka < lero 'day' raka 'big'; some holidays have
special names)
> I want to order 9 holiday loaves. What will the cost be?
mamelo nuça sana piku uçoñi lerowakayi. fiyan miveni? I-want request/order 9 loaf intended-for holiday(gen.). how-much its/their-cost?
> > Enjoy the bready goodness!
You must have been hungry when you wrote this.........;-)