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Re: Comer manzanas (was: Italian Particles)

From:Christophe Grandsire <christophe.grandsire@...>
Date:Wednesday, April 26, 2000, 10:09
At 11:17 22/04/00 -0400, you wrote:
>>Needless to say, thanks to this, the English verb "to like" is one >>of the most difficult things to teach to a native Spanish speaker. > > >And vice versa! Somehow "I like" = "it pleases me" is very >counter-intuitive. >BTW with reference to Muke's "tu me gustas" etc.... granted I'm not current >on all varieties of spoken Spanish, but I've never seen or heard gustar in >any but 3rd person..... i.e. in the sense of liking a person: ¿te gusta de >mí?, me gusta de Pablo etc. > >
We have the same problem in French with the verb "to miss". "I miss you" is "tu me manques". Subject and object (indirect object in French, when it's not a pronoun it's introduced by 'à') are in opposite positions. Yet "manquer" is not impersonal at all. It's a normal personal verb with a complete conjugation. Christophe Grandsire |Sela Jemufan Atlinan C.G. "Reality is just another point of view." homepage : (ou :