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Re: Comer manzanas (was: Italian Particles)

From:FFlores <fflores@...>
Date:Saturday, April 22, 2000, 23:59
Roger Mills <romilly@...> wrote:

>BTW with reference to Muke's "tu me gustas" etc.... granted I'm not current >on all varieties of spoken Spanish, but I've never seen or heard gustar in >any but 3rd person..... i.e. in the sense of liking a person: ¿te gusta de >mí?, me gusta de Pablo etc.
On the contrary, ¿Te gusto [yo]? ¿Le gustas [a él]? and such are very common. That's why I don't agree with placing them on the same category as Shakespearean impersonal verbs like "methinks" or "meseems" -- now, _parecer_ does fit, since constructions like _me parece que..._ 'it seems to me that...' use the verb always in the 3rd person, and there is no proper subject. BTW, _gustar de_ is another (and more direct way) of expressing you like a person (sexually). This usage is quite informal and usual for teenagers and younger. It can also be used for other things, but that usage is formal or pompous: "Gustaba de pasear" instead of "Le gustaba pasear", for example. It has a certain connotation of habitual or repetitive action, more or less like "would" in English ("He would walk in the park..."). --Pablo Flores ... I cannot combine any characters that the divine Library has not foreseen, which in some of its secret tongues do not bear some terrible meaning. No-one can articulate a syllable not filled of caresses and fears; which is not, in some one of those languages, the powerful name of a god... Jorge Luis Borges, _The Library of Babel_