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Re: Comer manzanas (was: Italian Particles)

From:Sally Caves <scaves@...>
Date:Saturday, April 22, 2000, 19:35
Roger Mills wrote:
> > >Needless to say, thanks to this, the English verb "to like" is one > >of the most difficult things to teach to a native Spanish speaker. > > And vice versa! Somehow "I like" = "it pleases me" is very > counter-intuitive.
As it should be! It was once an impersonal verb! Weirdly, early Welsh adapted this verb, and you get in Modern Welsh the equally strange "rwyn lico coffi" in the south of Wales, instead of Northwalian "rwyn hoffi coffi."
> BTW with reference to Muke's "tu me gustas" etc.... granted I'm not current > on all varieties of spoken Spanish, but I've never seen or heard gustar in > any but 3rd person..... i.e. in the sense of liking a person: ¿te gusta de > mí?, me gusta de Pablo etc.
Again, as I said before, it strikes me that it is functioning exactly like the Germanic impersonal verbs. These are verbs that are always in the third person and have an implied "it" for a subject, and take the dative as their object. Early English had an abundance of these, in which, believe it or not, "like" was one: me liketh (it is pleasing to me) --compare _me gusta_ (later Eng: melikes) me thinketh (it seems to me) (Shakespeare: methinks) me reweth (it is painful to me) Me reweth, Marie, thy sonne and thee (thirteenth cent.) I've always considered this to be a Germanic feature, and although I studied Spanish for years, the occasion with _me gusta_ is a kind of "oh, right! Of course!" recollection for me. How many other impersonal verbs like this are there in the romance languages? I can't think of any, off hand, in French, but that may just be a senior moment. They remind me strongly of Tokana's "emotion" verbs, IIRC, which take their objects in the dative. I think this may be a somewhat universal feature for some language types. Note that in English they all have to do with feelings or impressions: Me listeth, "it is preferable to me." Sally ============================================================ SALLY CAVES (bragpage) (T. homepage) (all else) ===================================================================== Niffodyr tweluenrem lis teuim an. "The gods have retractible claws." from _The Gospel of Bastet_ ============================================================