In a message dated 2000:09:26 9:08:27 AM, theophilus88@HOTMAIL.COM writes:
>Yaiyikeima'z ya gwounato'r. I approach the cave.
>Hu'liyikeima'z hu'l gwounato'r. I enter the cave.
>Gheumiyikeima'z gheum gwounabwoz. I leave the cave.
>Naiyikeima'z na gwounato'r. I go through the cave.
>Bhe'ghiyikeima'z bhe'g gwounabwoz. I go under the (chamber of) the cave.
>Kwi'iyikeima'z kwi' gwounabwo. I go near the cave.
>Yauliyikeima'z yaul gwounato'r. I approach and enter the cave.
>Yakwi'iyikeima'z yakwi' gwounabwo. I approach the cave, but stop near it.
>Tolgheumiyikeima'z ya gwounato'r. I leave the cave and go far away.
LOL (Laughin Out Loud)... must be an interesting cave... [couldn't resist
jokin with ya].