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Re: Universal Translation Language

From:Charles <catty@...>
Date:Sunday, May 30, 1999, 19:36
Marcos Franco wrote:
> > On Sun, 30 May 1999 07:47:44 +0100, "Raymond A. Brown" > <raybrown@...> skribis: > > >>I thought it was needless to say that UTL language is not intended for > >>translation of literature, artistic texts, etc. > > > >Why? > > > >What then is the not-so-universal TL language intended for. Translating > >scientific and/or technical texts? But such texts are not noted for having > >a great deal of ambiguity? > > > >What is the "UTL" intended for? > > Ok, I'll try to explain it as clearly as I can. > > A lot of books, magazines, web pages, articles and documents of any > kind are written every year. Most of them will not ever be translated > to other languages, because of human translation costs. Translation > software has been tried as a mean to reduce translator's work (and > cost), but its output is usually too erroneous to be of help. > > However, with UTL, things can change substantially, as UTL is a > language which can be processed easily and almost error-freely by a > machine translator. As results of this, from a UTL version of any text > one will be able to obtain several MT-ed versions of it to several > languages with almost no need of human post-editing. Thus, translation > costs are normally reduced to a 5-20% (depending on number of target > languages and requirements of quality, given by post-editing).
I thought it was even simpler: UTL would be trivially easy to translate *to* any natlang. This, because of UTL's regularity and lack of accidental ambiguity. In any language, even UTL, one can always deliberately ambiguize by saying "the sorta-XXX kinda-YYY thing", so it isn't a thought-prison ... UTL could be either written directly as the source text pre-translation, or it could be roughly translated from the writer's natlang and then proofed/corrected until the natlang->UTL->natlang output looked correct to the writer himself; then published simultaneously for all supported langs. This is what the funded "UNL" project claims to be doing, I think.