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Re: CONLANG Digest

From:Brad Coon <bcoon@...>
Date:Wednesday, May 10, 2000, 6:25
Barry Garcia wrote:

> I agree, it looks very Tolkien inspired. It is a very beautiful script, > however i think that in a large amount of text, the glyphs may start > looking like one another after a while. Obviously, if you like the script > you dont have to change it, but i hear an ideal script doesnt have a lot > of similar looking characters (for maximum glyph recognition).
Before Betascript (and before I had ever read Tolkien), there was an Alphascript which was in fact, Burmese influenced if not inspired. Betascript reflects that rather than Tolkien although there is no denying on my part that Himself could seem to be the inspiration. I was unpleasantly surprised to see the similarities between his elvish scripts and my Alphascript. -- Brad Coon Somedays when you wake up, its just not worth chewing through the leather straps.