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Re: vrindo (was "Re: CHAT Re: Can't stop agulunating, HELP!")

From:Nik Taylor <fortytwo@...>
Date:Saturday, June 19, 1999, 22:44
Joshua Shinavier wrote:
> I suspect that any conlanger tends to collect all his/her favorite soun=
> in their personal language
Probably true most of the time, but not always. In my long-defunct conlang Kizval, I used a lot of sounds I didn't like, such as clicks and affricates like /kx/ which I like on their own, but in brutish combinations. I was always stumbling over the words, which is when I semi-conciously decided to use nicer sounds in subsequent languages, and fully consciously reacted against in the making of what was then provisionally called 1998A, then W'-ansan-sanu, and eventually Watakass=ED. In the initial design, only 7 consonants existed (p, t, k, w, y, n, l), with a very simple syllable structure (C)V(n/l). Watakass=ED is now more complex.
> What factors go into such regional conceptions of beauty in language?
My guess would be the language(s) spoken and languages with which one is in contact. Languages of cultures which are admired/respected, I suspect, would tend to be viewed as beautiful, while those of rivals would tend to be considered ugly. But, there's probably a lot of intangible factors involved.
> Sure, I'll stick around to see the results of the relay... I'm pretty c=
> to see what this poem was originally about!
And what it's become! I think what I got was probably not too far from the original, seeing as I was third, but I'd love to see what it's mutated into! (Hopefully not a war-propoganda poem! :-)) --=20 Yaw=EDntasva natab=ED, plan saf=ED nlak=FAsi. ICQ #: 18656696 AIM screen-name: NikTailor