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Babel text in Shfanzhol

From:John Cowan <cowan@...>
Date:Tuesday, April 6, 2004, 5:57
Adam Walker scripsit:

> I only noticed two occurences of doubled > letters: in _tsoosh_ and _naa_ whadupwidat?
Todos and nada respectively: intervocalic and final d are gone, leaving hiatus.
> And then there's the devine title, SHENZHOL.
Señor, as Steg says. No known Chinese influence here! Roger Mills scripsit:
> Without an intensive read, it appears that maybe the reflexes of **/t/ > vary a bit: tsoa, siedzha, ajonteshio, oleiense, oslo(sh), todzhe, > shableshielon, ashta, sienen, eshto. There is probably a system.....
I made some errors here. Generally t > s, but initially ts, but s again before an i-glide. d > t initially and after a consonant (when it's a stop, basically), disappears otherwise. I haven't decided what happens to st (shs is just too bogus), and haven't been consistent. The anaptyctic e has been lost, hence Shfanzhol, not Eshfanzhol. The "Spanzhol" in the subject line (now fixed) was a failure to carry through the sound changes sufficiently.
> Two "r"s crept in-- no doubt typos-- "I ushalon larizho en lukar...."
/r/ > /l/ only for the first instance (not countining rr or initial r, which is phonemically rr). All others remain. There may be errors in some words.
> Is "Bavel" right?? usually **b > p
Foreign word.
> kjosamoshlosh should be kjoshamoshlosh, no?
> Otherwise it's fun, but ¡amor de dios, que feeeeeeeeeeo! tanto al > ojo como al oído.
I hold no brief for the orthography, but I think it sounds rather nice, actually. Mark J. Reed scripsit:
> Affricativization (verbing weirds language!) of initial voiceless > stops ([t] -> [ts], [p] -> [pf]); that's interesting. A response to the > English-speakers' aspiration of what are in native monolingual Spanish > unaspirated stops, perhaps?
I don't really know what the motivation might be. The changes to the stops are precisely those of the 2nd (or High German) Consonant Shift (not Grimm's/Verner's Laws, which are the First Consonant Shift). As you conjectured, "j" represents /x/. -- John Cowan In might the Feanorians / that swore the unforgotten oath brought war into Arvernien / with burning and with broken troth. and Elwing from her fastness dim / then cast her in the waters wide, but like a mew was swiftly borne, / uplifted o'er the roaring tide. --the Earendillinwe