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Re: PIE and Nostratic

From:caeruleancentaur <caeruleancentaur@...>
Date:Thursday, September 22, 2005, 17:44
--- In, James Comer <jcomer2001@Y...> wrote:

>I find that gathering a few hundred basic word roots is necessary to >start a conlang. How do others on this list start? I LOVE the >comitative case. I even harvested a few examples of it.
I started my conlang Senjecan with the word list from Pokorny's "Indogermanisches Wörterbuch". With those roots as a base I have increased the Senjecan vocabulary to over 2,000 root words. They are located, obviously, on a word processing file, so I can easily access the words I want. The format is that of a standard English- Whatever dictionary, alphabetically arranged, Senyecan-English. Entries are labeled with abbreviations such as Bot., Zoo., Geog., Anat., etc., so I can quickly find words I need in a certain category. I also have two files that are taxonomic trees of the flora and fauna available in the conculture that speaks Senjecan. Good luck with your project and have fun! P.S. With respect to the URL cited in one response, I wish folks would be more aware of their color combinations. This gentleman has a lot of green on green that I can't read. If I have to squint or have my eyes 3" from the screen, I'm not inclined to be interested in the site. Charlie http:// __________________________________ Yahoo! Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005 --- End forwarded message ---


Shreyas Sampat <ssampat@...>