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Daily translation 9/23/2000

From:The Gray Wizard <dbell@...>
Date:Saturday, September 23, 2000, 23:50
English:   One good deed deserves another.
amman iar: carmvar bemin vemand elivas on carmvar vorimind vanimlariel
nathya:    min camva amanid iniminid vanimus


amman iar:

\f One good turn deserves another
\t carmvar          bemin      vemand
\m carmo =var       be-    min ve-    mando
\g do    =actn/proc count- one descr- be.good
\p v     =nsfx      adj-   qty adj-   v
\x deed             one        good

\t elivas                 on  carmvar
\m el-        -iv  -as    on  carmo =var
\g assertive- -hab -pres  -   do    =actn/proc
\p mood-      -asp -tense ptp v     =nsfx
\x do                     -   deed

\t vorimind                 vanimlariel
\m ve-    or=    imind      vanimlaro -ie      -l
\g descr- compl= similarity be.worthy -agt/thm -actn
\p adj-   pfx=   n          v         -val     -vc
\x another                  deserve


\f One good deed deserves another.
\t min camva amant        iniminid     vanimus
\m min camva a-   mant    in-  iminid  vanim   -u        -s
\g one deed  adj- be good -    another deserve -habitual -pres
\p num n     adj- v       abs- n       v       -asp      -tense
\x one deed  good         another      deserves


David E. Bell
The Gray Wizard

"Wisdom begins in wonder." - Socrates