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Re: CHAT: The [+foreign] attribute

From:Padraic Brown <elemtilas@...>
Date:Thursday, September 5, 2002, 22:31
--- John Cowan <jcowan@...> wrote:

> The extreme example of this is the jargon of > lawyers, judges, and other people around the courts > here in New York City, who consistently say > [difEnd&nt] and [dZurOr] rather than the normal > [difEnd@nt] and [dZur@(r)].
Quite a few of our surgeons say ['sO~nnImitr], a sort of pseudo-french for centimetre. One says ['debridmE~]. Not to mention [dAjleSn En 'kjurEtAZ] (I think) - first word is pure English, the third is another pseudo-french jobby. Sonnimetre really struck me as odd first time I heard it (in real life: Bill Cosby used it in an old standup bit).
> John Cowan
Padraic. ===== parla, mays ben parla; et pharleir becko il maboun. __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Yahoo! Finance - Get real-time stock quotes