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Re: Keeping Track of Ambiguity in your Conlang?

From:Thomas R. Wier <trwier@...>
Date:Friday, August 30, 2002, 19:54
Quoting bnathyuw <bnathyuw@...>:

> --- Roberto Suarez Soto <ask4it@...> wrote: > On > Aug/30/2002, Amanda Babcock wrote: > > > > > > And there's also the homonyms that you can't > > tell the difference > > out of context: in spanish, "era" (somewhat archaic > > form to call the > > land outside a farm or country house) and "era" > > (singular third or first > > person of the imperfect past tense of "to be") are > > exactly pronounced > > the same, to my knowledge. > > > > of course, english has the wonderful pairing 'cleave' > and 'cleave' > > one means 'to cling to, be firmly attached to' > the other means 'to split, divide'
In my experience these 'two' words are in fact never used in opposition to one another. People either use one or the other, but not both. This would make it like the difference between American 'to table' (to remove from consideration) and British 'to table' (to put into consideration)
> ( another pairing i've seen mentioned is 'dust' > meaning to rid of dust and 'dust' meaning to sprinkle > with dust, but at least these come from the same root )
I do think this is used by everyone, although the first meaning is probably the more common one. ========================================================================= Thomas Wier Dept. of Linguistics "Nihil magis praestandum est quam ne pecorum ritu University of Chicago sequamur antecedentium gregem, pergentes non qua 1010 E. 59th Street eundum est, sed qua itur." -- Seneca Chicago, IL 60637


Roberto Suarez Soto <ask4it@...>
JS Bangs <jaspax@...>