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Re: Keeping Track of Ambiguity in your Conlang?

From:JS Bangs <jaspax@...>
Date:Friday, August 30, 2002, 21:30
Thomas R. Wier sikyal:

> > of course, english has the wonderful pairing 'cleave' > > and 'cleave' > > > > one means 'to cling to, be firmly attached to' > > the other means 'to split, divide' > > In my experience these 'two' words are in fact never > used in opposition to one another. People either use > one or the other, but not both. This would make it > like the difference between American 'to table' > (to remove from consideration) and British 'to table' > (to put into consideration)
While neither of these words is part of my everyday active vocabulary, I recognize both and would use either if the register demanded it. I do, however, think that the meaning "split" is primary for my idiolect.
> > > ( another pairing i've seen mentioned is 'dust' > > meaning to rid of dust and 'dust' meaning to sprinkle > > with dust, but at least these come from the same root ) > > I do think this is used by everyone, although the first > meaning is probably the more common one. > > ========================================================================== > Thomas Wier > Dept. of Linguistics "Nihil magis praestandum est quam ne pecorum ritu > University of Chicago sequamur antecedentium gregem, pergentes non qua > 1010 E. 59th Street eundum est, sed qua itur." -- Seneca > Chicago, IL 60637 >
Jesse S. Bangs "If you look at a thing nine hundred and ninety-nine times, you are perfectly safe; if you look at it the thousandth time, you are in frightful danger of seeing it for the first time." --G.K. Chesterton