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Re: CHAT: The Fabulous Personalities of Conlang

From:Tim May <butsuri@...>
Date:Thursday, June 6, 2002, 0:19
JS Bangs writes:
 > Philip Newton sikyal:
 > > I'm:
 > >
 > > INTJ
 > Me, too.  I was pretty firmly I and T, with less solid of a preference for
 > N and J.  But I took the test twice, giving slightly different answers,
 > and got the same result, so I'd say that this is pretty accurate.  I
 > identified very well with the descriptions of the INTJ that I read.
Well, I'm another, although I found many of the questions difficult to
answer.  I'd've been happier with one that allowed you to assign a
level of certainty or strength of feeling to each answer.  My
strengths were

100 33 44 33

So I can't really argue with the I, although I don't think I'm really
100% introverted.  The rest I don't know, certainly I'm not sure I
recognize myself in the description - parts of it, but I lack the