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Re: On blocking the list (was Re: viruses after the downtime?)

From:Mark J. Reed <markjreed@...>
Date:Sunday, February 1, 2004, 23:24
I don't think we should increase the daily limit, but is there no way to
have the list automatically unblock so that John need not get involved?
It seems like it could just maintain a constant rate of <=99
messages/day, letting held messages through as soon as it's been long

(For example, message 1 is sent at 1500 UTC on Thursday; message 99 is
sent at 1200 on Friday.  Message 100 arrives at 1300 Friday and is
blocked, message 101 arrives at 1400 and is likewise blocked.  1500
rolls around, so message 1 is now more than 24 hours ago and we're down
to 98 messages in 24 hours, so message 100 goes through but 101 is still
held, etc.)

I dunno if the list server can do this, but if not, perhaps we could
swtich to one which can?



Roger Mills <romilly@...>