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Re: Fluency Wish-List

From:Doug Ball <db001i@...>
Date:Thursday, April 13, 2000, 2:48
> (but then, does a rabbit have TWO legs? Or four? What do we > do about animals, Doug?????)
Skerre handles the animal legs with the dual plural. This means that if a pirate has kili (a leg), and a Skerre has kuli (two legs), then a rabbit has kukuli--the plural of the dual, which means that the rabbits has more than one set of legs. The plural in Skerre is a reduplicative prefix--the dual covers a small set of words and is formed through an ablaut process (I think that's the word). And speaking of the plural prefix in Skerre--I empathize with you completely Matt, since it took me five and half years to find the "perfect" plural marker. I didn't have as much of a problem with the cases, but nevertheless, the search for the "perfect" morphology can be a vain one indeed. -Doug