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Re: Fluency Wish-List

From:Dan Sulani <dnsulani@...>
Date:Thursday, April 13, 2000, 10:30

As long as it's only a _wish_ list, I personally
would like to learn them _all_! No, it's not meant
to be a cop-out; I truly feel that all the (con)langs at whatever 
stage of development they might be can enrich one
who learns them to whatever degree of fluency possible.
Unfortunately for me, I learn languages with difficulty,
and anyhow, right now, I don't have much time to spare
for it, much as I might like to.
Natlang wish-list: first I'd like to know the world's most
widely spoken langs: (English I already know), includes
Chinese, Hindi, Arabic, Spanish. (I started a course once
in Arabic, but was called away to reserve army duty. When I returned,
the course had been cancelled. :-P  I still hope to  learn it one of these days).
I'd also like to learn Japanese, Korean, Tagalog,  Xhosa, Igbo, 
Basque, Georgian, Navaho, Aymara, Turkish, Finnish, and Hungarian. 

  Dead langs: I'd like to know Sumerian and Ancient Mayan.
But, of course, these are only  partial lists! Show me interesting
features in a natlang, and I'll want to learn _it_ too!
(I have a cupboard stuffed full of Teach-Yourself materials covering
various langs. Someday... well I can dream, can't I?)
likehsna rtem zuv tikuhnuh auag inuvuz vaka'a.

A word is an awesome thing.