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Re: Fluency Wish-List

From:Roger Mills <rfmilly@...>
Date:Thursday, April 13, 2000, 4:32
In a message dated 4/12/2000 10:13:23 PM Eastern Daylight Time,
scaves@FRONTIERNET.NET writes:

<< I have a recurring science fiction fantasy that they could load
 my head with language programs, and in a trice I could be multi-
 lingual.  >>
You'll be glad to know that the Galactic Unity (something I've adapted from
LeGuin) has just such a device-- but they don't arrive here until ca. 2005,
and in any case won't share technology until we are accepted for
membership... and you probably know what that requires.  (For those who don't
know:  abandonment of nuclear weapons, and a FUNCTIONING world government.)

Conwishlist:  Kash of course, plus its various relatives that are gestating.
Have little or no hope of becoming fluent in Gwr (monosyllabic, tonal),
though they do amusing things with outlanders' names (dirty words......).
Just from the translation of _The river..._ I liked the look and probable
sound of Skerre.
Brithenig appeals to my Romance side-- is more than the wordlist available

Natwishlist-- Khmer.  Japanese.  Leti and/or Timorese (Dawan) of eastern
Indonesia-- marvelously full of metatheses.  Swedish and Hawaiian must be fun
to speak, like Italian (now so rusty).  Ancient Greek-- it was offered at my
school, but the parents wouldn't hear of it. But alas, time's wingèd

Reminds me a bit of an old greeting card:  Front:  I WANT YOU, I NEED YOU, I
LOVE YOU.   Inside:  If I can't have you......I want an owl, or a harpsichord.