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Re: Fluency Wish-List

From:Robert Hailman <robert@...>
Date:Thursday, April 13, 2000, 1:06
I gotta get in on this!


My unnamed Conlang - I just started it, and I'm doing it for a project
at school (I gotta officially switch it to this tomorrow, but they've
said they probably will let me.) A language sketch is coming, I've got
to work a few more things out. I've got the phonography more or less
down, but I've got 33 letters right now and that seems a bit too much.
I'm going to cut it down either tonight or tomorrow.

Lojban/Loglan - The concept of a logical language enthralls me, but I
don't want to become a slave to my own grammar rules, which is why I'm
not making my Conlang similar to these too.

Maybe a few more. I've seen a few interesting ones, but I haven't had
time to delve into them.


German - I'm taking it at school, I want to learn another Germanic
language, and German is (as the name suggests) probably one of the best
examples there is.

Polish - I love the sound of Polish, my family is from Poland, and I
found that I somehow aquired the ability to pronounce Polish words
fairly well without hearing them, although I've never been taught how.
One of my friends is Polish, and he's going to try to teach me,
otherwise I'll find a Polish teacher in Toronto.

Latin - Latin is interesting, that's all I can say. One of my friends is
learning Latin, I'll see if I can't get lessons from his teacher.

That's about all for now, next up is Russian, then Swedish. I've always
wanted to learn an incredible amount of languages, since I was very

Robert Hailman